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71% of 17-24 year olds are unfit for military service. The leading medical disqualifier is being overweight: Unhealthy and Unprepared; Mission: Readiness:
73% of Texas children do not get the daily recommended amount of physical activity: Active Living Research. (2015). Active education: growing evidence on physical activity and academic performance:
>80% increase in physical activity time during PE class after Quality PE training: CATCH Promise Spotlight – Ysleta Independent School District; CATCH Global Foundation:
71% increase in physical activity time during PE class after Quality PE training in Brownsville ISD: CATCH Promise Spotlight – Brownsville Independent School District; CATCH Global Foundation:
Based on direct observations of 36 PE classes in 4 Texas districts, only 23.5% met the NASPE standard. In observations taken after these instructors completed a quality PE training, 77.8% of those classes met or exceeded the NASPE standard: Aggregated data based on PE class observations in Ysleta ISD, Brownsville ISD, Los Fresnos ISD, and Goosecreek ISD; CATCH Global Foundation:
According to a 2013 report by the National Academy of Sciences, “disparities in access to quality physical education exist, particularly for Hispanic students and those of lower socioeconomic status.”: Educating the Student Body: Taking Physical Activity and Physical Education to School; Committee on Physical Activity and Physical Education in the School Environment; Food and Nutrition Board; Institute of Medicine (now called “National Academy of Sciences”); Kohl HW III, Cook HD, editors:
$33:1 return on investment for PE, through reduced healthcare costs and increased labor participation: The State of Obesity. (2018). School based physical education and physical activity.