Webinar: World Obesity Day Summit 2022 (Recorded 3/4/22)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTi1WFvCLNc Download slides from the presentation here. Partnership for a Healthy Texas joined Live Smart Texas’s 2nd Annual World Obesity Day Summit on March 4th! The virtual event highlighted the impact of obesity and how we can address its many root causes. Ted Kyle of ConscienHealth delivered a keynote on efforts to reduce the harm of obesity and explained why so little …

Webinar: The 87th Legislative Session, Interim Opportunities, and Updates on the Fight Against Obesity (Recorded 10/4/21)

Download slides from the presentation here. Participants will learn about the ongoing advocacy of the Partnership for a Healthy Texas, whose mission is to combat obesity in the state via policy change. In this webinar, we will discuss the work of the Partnership, policy wins in the 87th legislative session, the work happening between legislative sessions, and what the landscape …

Webinar: Fighting Obesity in the 2019 Legislative Session (recorded 8/13/19)

Download the presentation slides here. Participants will learn about the ongoing advocacy of the Partnership for a Healthy Texas whose mission is to combat obesity in the state via policy change. Participants will learn about the PFHT legislative agenda, the history behind our legislative successes and barriers to further policy wins. Additionally, participants will learn how to engage in advocacy …