Download the 2019 Partnership Priorities in the Legislative section of the website.
31% of 2-5 year olds from low-income families in TX are overweight or obese: Centers for Disease Control. 2011 Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance System. Available at
Overweight or obese preschoolers are 5x more likely to be overweight or obese in adulthood: Centers for Disease Control. Progress on Childhood Obesity. (Aug. 2013). Available at
1 million kids in Texas are cared for in licensed or regulated child care programs: Report to the Texas Legislature: Early Childhood Health and Nutrition Interagency Council. at Table 6. “Amount of time provided to preschool children (age 2-5 years) for indoor and outdoor physical activity each day, Texas, 2016.” (Nov. 2016). Available at
23 states & the District of Columbia have aligned their nutrition standards with CACFP: Robert Woods Johnson Foundation. The State of Obesity. (2016) Available at
Minimum standards are not aligned with nationally-recognized best practices for child health: Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards; Guidelines for Early Care and Education Programs, Third Edition. (2011). Available at
75% of kids under age 6 spend much of their day in child care outside the home: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Weight of the National, Early Care and Education Policy Review. Available at
Current standards allow for 2-5 year olds to have two hours of screen time per day–double the recommended amount for a 24-hour period in this age group: Licensing Division, Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. Minimum Standards for Child Care Centers (2018). Available at